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Nejrychleji rostoucí e-commerce platforma se sportovní výživou ve střední a východní Evropě



GymBeam vyvíjí, prodává a distribuuje produkty fitness výživových doplňků, funkčních potravin a vybavení pro aktivní životní styl do 7 zemí střední a východní Evropy prostřednictvím technologicky vyspělé e-commerce platformy s propracovaným zákaznickým servisem.

Za rok 2019 společnost očekává obrat ve výšce přes 20 mil. EUR, přičemž vlastní značky tvoří téměř 60 % tržeb z celkové hodnoty prodeje produktů. Společnost GymBeam se zásadně odlišuje od klasických online a kamenných prodejců, protože umožňuje přinášet na trh produktové inovace ve velmi krátkém čase. Analýzou nákupního chování, trendů a strategií vývoje vlastních značek s mimořádně konkurenceschopnými cenami u více než 9 300 unikátních produktů pružně reaguje na poptávku zákazníků. Cílem této růstové investice je stát se vedoucí značkou na všech trzích střední a východní Evropy.

  • Nejrychleji rostoucí fitness značka v CEE regionu působící v SK, CZ, HU, RO, BG, HR a UA.
  • E-commerce platforma se sportovní výživou, výživovými doplňky, funkčními potravinami denní spotřeby a sportovním oblečením.
  • 4 vlastní značky, které doplňují online marketing s offline výdejním místem a budoucím zastoupením v Budapešti a Praze.
  • Tržby 2015: 2,5 mil. EUR; 2016: 5 mil. EUR; 2017: 9,9 mil. EUR; 2018: 13,4 mil. EUR; 2019: 22+ mil. EUR.
  • 1 700 balíků odeslaných denně, skladové prostory o rozloze 7 740 m2 v Košicích a s 24 hodinovou dodávkou produktů do celé střední Evropy.
  • Čistý zisk 83 tis. EUR za rok 2018 a 200 tis. EUR předpokládaný zisk za rok 2019.
  • Výkonný tým s 25+ letými zkušenostmi v e-commerce, marketingu a IT; tým poradců: ex-Google, BioTechUSA, Magento, Oracle; celkem 106 zaměstnanců z 9 zemí.
  • Téměř 500 tis. sledovatelů na Facebook-u/Instagram-u.

Záměr investice:

Pro zobrazení této části se prosím zaregistrujte.

1. Business Model

Customer data made it clear that the market with sport nutrition is changing. Trends are not set by producers, but resellers and distributors who have direct contact with the customer. On the basis of customer trends and preferences, GymBeam thus started developing proprietary brands, which today make up most of the company's revenue. Products under these brands are made flexibly, directly in response to customer demands and global trends. In certain cases, the company is able to market a product within seven days of starting its development as it is not weighed down by cumbersome operations and hierarchical structures.

2. Data Analysis

GymBeam is bringing technology into a digitally underpenetrated sector, which has for decades been dominated by large offline players or small brick & mortar stores. Owing to effective data analysis and swift reaction to changing trends, the company is able hold a high proportion of recurring customers and customer acquisitions. It leverages the strong sense of community of its customer base, allowing for the quick spread of brand awareness.

3. Strategic Location - Košice

The company views its geographic position in Košice as a significant advantage in relation to its target markets. Its position allows the execution of delivery within 24 hours to the areas spanning from Prague to Sofia or Bucharest. This customer experience is one of the pillars of GymBeam's success, which it aims to further improve by implementing 'same day delivery' to select high-population hubs. The company also builds its local teams on this principle - foregoing costly permanent offices in individual countries, but through local leaders knowing the local language and market building flexible country teams around themselves. In this way, GymBeam continuously improves its local market positions not only through marketing activities, but crucially also through exceptional customer service.

4. Market Timing

The market is undergoing a shift in customer perception - fitness products are no longer perceived as the domain of "body-builders" and zealous fitness fans, but as healthy and nutritious food which is consumed on a daily basis and thus faster - the market is shifting towards FMCG and is growing significantly with rising demand for functional foods including high-protein pasta, pancakes, nuts, spreads, drinks and sauces.

5. Emotion

The company's own brands are supported by sophisticated products and marketing activities. GymBeam is actively building a strong community of fans and influencers around its brand, shown by over 500 ths. followers on social networks and a growing number of recurring video content on a wide range of fitness topics at multiple levels of expertise, including grounded guidelines and advice on healthy diets and exercise. The company has its own video team and studio and extensive network of influencers and celebrities.

6. Market Size and Trend

The market has reached development in terms of digitalization and e-commerce primarily in Western Europe and the US. Technology-driven players are lacking in CEE and GymBeam is stepping in with its size and rapid growth, achieving significant market share as a result of its competitive prices, product portfolio, innovations and especially customer care, levels of which smaller players are not able to provide. Large foreign competitors and offline producers act more so as partners, whose products GymBeam sells. These players have made multiple less successful attempts at entering the online market, which requires the upholding of sophisticated e-commerce standards.

7. Economic Shift

The consumer market is reacting positively to the company's pace of implementing product innovations, which GymBeam successfully develops owing to its know-how in data analytics, predictive technologies and flexibility in development when marketing new products. It can thus adapt to any changes in the structure of demand, price sensitivity and customer requirements faster than any competitor.

4 000 000 €
Cílová částka
15 - 25 % p.a.
Požadovaný výnos

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