Join our webinar about current investment opportunities on September 9, 2024

What we do

We enable private investors to invest their capital directly in carefully selected Czech and Slovak companies. Investors receive a stake in these companies and the opportunity to benefit from a return on their investment either through dividends or the future sale of the company. The invested companies in return receive growth capital to expand their business. Another option is to lend capital to companies under pre-agreed conditions and become their "banker".

How we work

Investment structure

We utilize newly established special purpose vehicles to realize each of our investments. Crowdberry investors acquire a stake in the SPV, which then takes a stake in the target Czech or Slovak company. The SPV is managed by Crowdberry, which acts on the behalf of its investors and represents their interests. 

Required rate of Return

For each investment opportunity, we determine the required rate of return as well as the expected rate of return. This means the level of return that investors should expect, given the level of risk involved in the investment. The value corresponds to the relevant segment (young companies, SMEs and stable companies, real estate) and associated risk

Careful selection of Companies

Companies undergo a thorough review and selection process. Through this due diligence, we evaluate these companies’ financial situation, quality of team, business strategy and vision. We also consider the relevant market potential. Only the top 5% of all candidates meet our strict criteria. Through this, investors can be assured of the quality of the investment opportunities. 

Investment information

For each investment opportunity, we prepare detailed and transparent investment documentation, including all the information necessary to make qualified investment decisions, such as financial and business plans, term sheets, etc. 

Reporting and voting

Companies that have received investments from Crowdberry investors are required to report their results on a quarterly basis. As an investor in the company, you may find these reports in the personal zone of the platform, along with all the relevant documentation, contracts and opportunities to vote on what is happening in the company.

The process of negotiating an agreement

We strive to reach investment terms that are equally favourable to both our investors and the target company. Our intention is to arrive at a fair valuation for both sides, keeping the founder(s) motivated to manage and grow their company to its full potential, while ensuring effective mechanisms for investor protection. 

Company readiness

The launch of an investment opportunity is usually preceded by months of preparations. In addition to verification, we also prepare the company for the entry of investors in terms of finance, legal affairs, organization, business, HR and marketing.

Business Support

Even following the investment, we remain actively engaged in the company’s course of business. We provide them with access to our broad network of experts and, if necessary, with guidance to improve processes and the functioning of individual departments. We actively help them grow and increase the value of our investors’ capital.

Crowdberry events

We organize regular online events and personal meetings between investors, Crowdberry partners and company management. Participants get the opportunity to speak with the founders, find out details about investment documentation, try and test products, and receive the latest updates. 

How does the investment process work?



Registering will allow you to view information about investment opportunities and attend Crowdberry events.

Verify your phone number, email, and identity, including a short test of the investor's ability to bear risk.

Indication of interest

Are you interested in any of the opportunities and would like to know more? You can indicate your interest and level of potential investment without making any commitment. Why is it necessary to first indicate your interest? To comply with local regulations, the investment documentation can only be disclosed to a limited number of parties. Due to this legislation, we need to have a clear overview of the number of interested parties.


Detailed documentation

Review the detailed documentation and confirm your interest in the investment. You may also cancel your interest at any time, freeing up space for other investors.

Confirmation of Interest

If you wish to maintain your interest in the investment, you should confirm your intention to do so, including the investment amount you are considering. Everything remains non-binding and there is still no commitment on your part. At this point, you will be asked to fill in the data necessary for identity verification and contract preparation.


Signing of the agreement

Following the finalization of the investment documentation, you will be sent instructions by email on how to complete the transaction and the prepared contracts for your review. Only once you sign these documents are officially committed to the investment. The facilitation of the investment process is for free.

Frequently asked questions

For investors

About investing with Crowdberry

  • What investment options does Crowdberry offer?

  • When I buy shares in a Target Company, do I own the shares?

  • How do you select companies for the platform?

  • How can I verify information provided by a Target Company?

  • How can I verify information provided by Crowdberry?

  • What guarantees do I have?

  • Is registration on the platform binding?

  • How can I find out about news on the platform or Crowdberry events?

  • For investors

    Investment process

  • Could you please send me instructions for investing with Crowdberry?

  • What happens if the indicated amount exceeds the target amount?

  • How is a contract closed?

  • When do I have to transfer funds?

  • What happens if the target amount of an investment is not reached?

  • What if I miss an investment opportunity deadline?

  • For investors


  • What average returns can investors expect?

  • What is the difference between expected and required return?

  • Why do expected returns for each investment opportunity differ?

  • What do expected returns depend on?

  • How will I receive a return on my investment?

  • For investors


  • Do you charge a registration fee?

  • Are there any other fees?

  • For investors


  • Are there any risks associated with investing?

  • How can I minimize my risk if startups and investing are risky in general and offer no guarantees?

  • What are the risks if the business plan objectives are not accomplished?

  • What influences the feasibility of a Target Company’s business plans?

  • What happens if an investment fails?

  • For investors

    Share handling

  • Can I sell my shares at any time?

  • Do I have a right to shares buyback?

  • Is there a secondary market for these shares?

  • For investors

    Investment structure – more about Crowdberry special purpose vehicles (SPV)

  • Why does Crowdberry use a Special Purpose Vehicle for investors?

  • Is the Special Purpose Vehicle an investment fund? Is the Special Purpose Vehicle regulated by Slovak Act no. 203/2011 Z. z. on Collective Investing or Czech Act no. 256/2004 Coll. on Capital Market Undertaking?

  • Why is the Special Purpose Vehicle incorporated as a simplified joint stock company in Slovakia and as a limited liability company in the Czech Republic?

  • What bodies does a Special Purpose Vehicle have?

  • What about the liabilities and costs of a Special Purpose Vehicle?

  • How is a Special Purpose Vehicle managed?

  • What rights as an investor do I have in relation to a Special Purpose Vehicle?

  • What rights as an investor do I have in relation to a Target Company?

  • What happens to a Special Purpose Vehicle after its objective is accomplished?

  • For companies

  • How can a company apply?

  • Which companies are eligible for investment with Crowdberry’s support?

  • How does my company benefit from registration?

  • What does my company commit to by registering?

  • Is my company’s confidential data protected by Crowdberry?

  • What does Crowdberry help me with?

  • What do we need as a company?

  • How long is a campaign?

  • Does investment from a crowdfunding campaign mean that we, as a company, need to deal with dozens of investors individually?

  • Crowdfunding and crowdinvesting in general

  • What is the difference between crowdinvesting, crowdfunding and peer- to-peer lending?

  • Is crowdinvesting suitable for startups or is it just for small and medium-sized enterprises? Is it suitable for real-estate projects?

  • How is crowdinvesting regulated in Slovakia and the European Union?