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Crowdberry investors help celebrate opening of KLM’s distribution facility for Slovak Parcel Service

Real Estate


Crowdberry investors help celebrate opening of KLM’s distribution facility for Slovak Parcel Service

Crowdberry investors joined developer KLM Real Estate, tenant Slovak Parcel Service, general contractor HSF System SK and financing bank Tatra banka to help celebrate the opening of the Trnava Logistics Center – one of the first industrial developments to involve smaller individual investors.

This new facility for quickly processing orders from e-shops in Trnava’s largest business zone will serve as Slovak Parcel Service’s regional distribution center for the rapid processing of orders from online stores and redistribution of customers’ goods. The hall has an area of ​​1,400 square meters and covers a land plot of approximately 10,000 square meters. The land adjoining the hall is intended for further expansion of the dispatching workplace; this, in turn, is part of a basic infrastructure that will be used for further online trading development.

The heart of the distribution hall is a fully automated processing line for parcels. Its capacity is a reflection of current operating needs as well as a planned increase in the coming period. The new sorting line is unique primarily in the speed and automation of its individual activities (weighing, packaging, sorting for shipment). This will result in the faster delivery of consignments and improvements in delivery services.

“The market for express delivery services in which we operate has experienced dynamic growth in the last two years,” says Ján Ťurek, CEO of Slovak Parcel Service. “Slovak Parcel Service dealt with this sharp increase in demand mainly due to long-term planned investments in the development of its distribution network. The new distribution center in Trnava is another important investment that will significantly strengthen our capacity and the efficiency of shipment processing in this region.”

Small investors also contributed financially to the construction of this logistics hall. Using the Crowdberry investment platform, they invested their capital together with the experienced Slovak developer KLM Real Estate, which then built the largest courier company in Slovakia a hall for the rapid processing of packages. In the financial market, this signifies a significant change in the standard image of industrial development, something which has thus far been the exclusive preserve of large international players.

“For individual investors, the offer to enter a professionally prepared property, co-own it directly with the developer, and participate in the developer’s profit is a unique chance – and it’s essentially a unique Slovak one as well,” says Peter Bečár from Crowdberry.

“The development of the logistics hall in Trnava marks our first experience in involving capital investments. In our segment, the method of obtaining growth capital through an investment platform is relatively innovative. Its primary advantage for us is its flexibility in project financing, the possibility of long-term cooperation with investors, and attractive conditions for both parties,” says Michal Kozáček, a member of the Board of Directors of KLM Real Estate.